Feast of St. Paul The First Hermit – 19 January 2020

Our Parish Bulletin is ready to view.19 January 2020

Wishing Our Pauline Fathers Fr. Janusz Pawlicha & Fr. Joseph Maria Buckley a Blessed Feast Day in honour of St. Paul The first Hermit. Thank you for your service to our Parish.

May God shower innumerable Blessings on you. Amen!

MARY, the Holy MOTHER OF GOD – 01 January 2020

Feast day Wednesday 1st January 2020

MASSES 9:00am & 12:00 Noon

The Church puts the feast of this solemnity on the first day of the New Year to emphasize the importance of Mary’s role in the life of Christ and of the Church. We commemorate the various saints on different days of the year, but Mary is the most prominent of them all. She has a special role and mission given to her by God. As Mother of our Redeemer and of the redeemed, she reigns as Queen at the side of Christ the King.

She is a powerful intercessor for all of our needs here on earth. In celebrating her special feast day, we acknowledge this great gift for the Church and world; we call on her to be actively involved in our daily life; we imitate her virtuous life as a great inspiration; and we cooperate with all the graces we obtain through her.